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June 24, 2003

Celebrate the rise of fascism on the 4th?!?

The Pentagon has decided that the country needs a little more pro-war fervor. According to The Orange County Weekly OC Weekly:

Apparently. The project even has a name: Operation Tribute to Freedom, putatively overseen by Air Force general Richard B. Myer. Check out the website at Therein, it is claimed that Pentagon officials had been "inundated" with requests from communities asking how they could show support for the troops. Another press release remarks on the "spontaneous" displays of support for the military. And there doubtless have been many.

So why, then, does the Department of Defense deem it necessary to cold-call cities to sell them on a military salute?

"It seemed pretty obvious they were just trying to manufacture more public support for their war," said the city official.

Rumsfeld’s minions are actually calling municipalities around the country and encouraging them to base their July 4th celebrations on a pro-war theme. Here’s a much better idea, and it’s FREE!

Posted by Norwood at June 24, 2003 07:17 PM

your page is inspirational

Posted by: reality based porn at July 28, 2004 06:31 AM