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June 24, 2003

More on Bush's lies, from Counterpunch

David Lindorf noticed, like I did , that the NY Times was being a little wimpish in their week in review last weekend:

Thousands of people have died and continue to die because of these distortions, in the case of the war in Iraq. Millions will end up losing vital services because of the lies about the tax cut. This administration's lies about health policy, education policy, about environmental policy, about labor policy, about its judicial appointments, about communications regulatory policy, business regulatory policy, etc., etc., will have profound negative consequences on the lives of tens of millions of real people.

None, or little, of this, has been or will be subject to any real democratic debate.

But don't blame the White House, though. If is, after all, true that there is nothing new, except perhaps in terms of quantity and audacity, about the Bush administration's lies.

What's new is the acquiescence of the media in the lies and distortions by government.

Clink the link above for the whole article.

CounterPunch has lots of great articles, updated daily.

Posted by Norwood at June 24, 2003 10:37 PM

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