Archived Movable Type Content

June 25, 2003


From today's News Dissector Web Log:

FCC BATTLE STILL RAGES: CALL TO PRESSURE CONGRESS Common Cause is seeking to mobilize pressure on Congress: "Last Thursday, the Senate Commerce Committee responded to the call to overturn the FCC decision. It took the first step by approving Senate Bill S.1046, and added several amendments, including one addressing the consolidation of radio that, if approved and passed into law, could address the creation of a more independent and less monopolized media. You answered our cry to upend the FCC and flooded the Senate with messages and we won this first step. We'll keep you informed as the legislation moves through the full Senate after the July 4 recess. But right now, we need your help to build momentum in the House. Please urge your Representative to listen to the American people by supporting legislation similar to S.1046. Contact your representative in the House by clicking here:

Common cause adds: "Whatever the end result of the legislation approved by the Senate Commerce Committee, a new era has begun. More than ever, the American public is aware that a diverse and independent media is integral to a healthy democracy."

Posted by Norwood at June 25, 2003 09:50 AM

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