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June 26, 2003

So, you say your tapwater tastes like shit?

Mucicipalities in Florida routinely inject toxic sludge deep underground. Unfortunately, some of this crap is mixing with fresh drinking water supplies, which is against the law.

Officials from the federal Environmental Protection Agency were in Tampa on Wednesday to get public opinion about a controversial proposal to relax those rules and allow what's called deep-well injection of sewage to continue, even if the treated effluent is mixing with drinking water.

Remember: the easiest way to fix a problem is to change the rules so that it is no longer defined as a problem. And don’t worry: a wedge of lime will nicely cover up that slight taste of turd, though you might want to strain the solids out just to be safe.

Posted by Norwood at June 26, 2003 07:37 AM

That just seems insane to me. Yes, please, I'd like some sewage in my water!

Posted by: Nicole at June 27, 2003 12:14 PM

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