Archived Movable Type Content

June 27, 2003

Why worry? Dogs drink outa the toilet all the time...

The headline in the SP Times reads Does your water taste strange?, and the article is a good followup on what I wrote here yesterday (see below). Funny, but the water that Perrier is stealing from our community and bottling and selling as Zephyrhills brand doesn’t seem to have any quality problems. Why do we put up with shit (thinks about it: there is literally poop mixing with our water) in our tap water while letting a multinational behemoth steal our good stuff?

The drinking water in parts of Hillsborough County may taste a bit different soon, and there's a good reason.

Hillsborough's drinking water supply flunked tests for bacteria in May, but authorities didn't deem the situation serious enough to immediately alert county residents.

The same thing happened in October. Back then, county officials launched an investigation. Now they're taking stronger measures, increasing the amount of disinfectant in the water.

"There's no health risk associated with the disinfectant. It just means your water may smell more like chlorine or taste different," said Celine Hyer, engineering manager for the Hillsborough County Water Department. "It should help kill off any stray bacteria."

Posted by Norwood at June 27, 2003 01:38 PM

Excellent site. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: porn reality at July 28, 2004 06:33 AM