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June 28, 2003

Jack Sparks continues his list

Jack Sparks has been posting a list of top country songs... HIS version, to counter that lame-ass countdown that the Country Music Channel is or was doing (it's hard to tune in to that station for long enough to determine exactly what's on.)

Shania Twain is the single most damaging thing ever to happen to Country Music. She is NOT talented, She is NOT dynamic, She is NOT important, She is NOT fun. She is a robot. She's just a pretty face in a pink halter top and cowboy hat looking for her next check. She has dragged the music I love into the gutter of "what sells must be what is." These people live in a fucking palace in Switzerland. Last time I checked, June Carter Cash died at home on the farm motherfucker. If you like that boyband, canned bullshit, then you were probably all broken up when Rob and Fab turned out to be fakes too. Fuck. How long, Oh Lord, how long?

Posted by Norwood at June 28, 2003 10:04 AM

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