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July 01, 2003

Elaine Cassel on Scalia's homophobic dissent

Elaine Cassel puts out a great daily column. Today’s examines Antonin Scalia, the hate-filled homophobe who’s our president’s favorite.

Like the Catholic Church itself, Scalia's rant is all about power--his loss of it. It is about exclusion and bigotry. His claim of moral superiority is patently absurd, belied by his own words. For a moral man does not seek to control every thought and action of his fellow man. A moral man does not think that only he is moral and good. A moral man recognizes that morality is born of disparate social and individual values, and cannot be dictated by theology, let alone law. Taking a page, so to speak, from George Orwell's 1984, in touting his self-professed morality, Scalia is decidedly immoral.

Scalia cries out for the days when law enforcement could persecute gays by breaking into their homes unannounced and arresting them in an intimate moment. I suppose he would brand and whip adulterers and women who have abortions, too (the dissent is as much a rant against Roe v. Wade and the court’s continued deference to it than as it is about sodomy). Prosecuting gays is the moral thing to do, he insists. How dare the law make it illegal to do so?

Posted by Norwood at July 1, 2003 01:18 PM

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