Archived Movable Type Content

July 01, 2003

I've said it before: Bush Lies!

The Tribune, which has been mostly silent on Bush’s Tampa fundraiser up to now, sent a low-level reporter to get some color from the crowd of protesters lined up along Dubya’s route.

`A President Who Lies'

Across the Courtney Campbell Parkway from the Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay hotel where Bush appeared, about 200 protesters focused on the economy and the war, questioning Bush's reasons for the Iraq invasion.

Some chanted, ``Hail to the thief,'' as his motorcade arrived, accusing Bush of stealing the 2000 election.

``People in the military [are] being put in harm's way by a president who lies,'' said Norwood Orrick, 37, a programmer at WMNF, 88.5 FM, carrying an American flag with corporate symbols instead of stars.

Get your corporate flag from Adbusters!

Posted by Norwood at July 1, 2003 01:31 PM

Excellent site. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: reality porn at July 28, 2004 06:33 AM