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August 08, 2003

Malpractice reform looks to be done deal

Jeb and his Republican cohorts have stopped squabbling long enough to do a deal on the Florida malpractice reform that has been a contentious issue this summer. Look for this issue to heat up nationally, as OFaL (Our FeArless Leader) attempts to essentially trade cash to insurance companies and doctors in return for campaign contributions and votes.

Settling on a $500,000 cap represented a victory for the Senate and a setback for Bush, who has campaigned doggedly around the state for the $250,000 cap. The governor has argued that capping lawsuit judgments at a higher figure would not give insurance companies the certainty they need to set aside reserves for future losses.

But Bush has been dogged by accusations that his real motive was to ``whack the trial lawyers,'' as he was quoted saying in an unguarded moment this year.

Adding to the perception of a political agenda was the national Republican Party's use of the $250,000 cap as a fundraising tool and as a weapon against the trial lawyers, who traditionally support the Democratic Party. The cap was recently killed in the U.S. Senate by a Democratic filibuster.

This is the 3rd expensive special session this year. While the Republicans argue about how to make doctors and insurance companies richer, they continue to ignore the very real need to provide healthcare for the average citizen.

Posted by Norwood at August 8, 2003 05:22 AM

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