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December 14, 2003

Saddam is caught... now what?

First, the end does not justify the means. Second, this is not the end.

Nobody likes Saddam. But we are paying an awfully steep price to get him. And not a WMD in sight. You remember the WMDs, right? Those horrible, powerful, easy to deploy weapons that Saddam was getting ready to use against America? You know, the whole reason we invaded Iraq in the first place?

And what about our old pal Osama? The Taliban is resurgent in Afghanistan, and al Qaeda is gaining power, according to recent reports. Despite W’s inferences to the contrary, no evidence has been produced to link Osama and Saddam, so the war on terror has been forgotten about in favor of invading an oil-rich sovereign nation.

So, no, the capture of Saddam does not justify the invasion of Iraq. Iraq was never an imminent threat to this country, and diplomatic measures to verify this fact had by no means been exhausted when W pulled the trigger.

Saddam was captured alone and disoriented at the bottom of a hole. He was not directing attacks against U.S. forces. He was not leading the resistance. That means that the resistance is likely to continue for as long as the U.S. occupies Iraq. This means that W’s Great Baghdad Adventure has not yet reached its concluding chapters.

Unless, of course, we wise up and bring in the UN.

We finally got the bastard. Good. Now let’s go home.

Posted by Norwood at December 14, 2003 11:49 PM

EXACTLY!! I heard the news and I thought, "yeah, and...." and then I thought, "How timely" ...seeing that Dubya's ratings were dropping. And then I thought that we could be in deep shit because the masses only hear the mainstream media and just might be blindsided to believe that George actually did a good thing. But, hey, where is the relevance to 9-11??? The never-ending question....We need for the majority to be reminded of this. Say it loud, say it proud..."BUSH IS A LIAR! HIS CRONIES ARE WORSE!!" Yeah, we know that Saddam is a horrible person committing worse atrocities, but let's be honest folks....he also made a fine scapegoat. Who can spell "oil"? Can anybody spell "GREED"??My actual first thought when I heard the news of his capture was, "How long have they known of his whereabouts, really?!" I have lost trust in this "government" with what little I had left, that is. It's time to start from scratch and redefine Democracy with actions. Bush and his frat brothers can all go to hell. I'd like to begin cleaning up our country before it crumbles right before our very eyes to the point that there is no turning back. With Bush's continued efforts, I am assured that we won't have anything left to worry about, anyhow. Somebody needs to quickly take over the wheel before G.W. continues to drive us into the ground. Funny how the majority probably felt joy and relief upon the news of Saddam Hussein's capture...I felt mournful and worried.

Posted by: Lori at December 15, 2003 09:31 AM