Archived Movable Type Content

February 05, 2004

Republicans show fiscal restraint true colors

Republicans hate student activity fees, ‘cause sometimes they are used for evil purposes, such as staging rock and roll shows or other morally questionable events. See, if all the funds were used for ideologically correct activities, then there would be no need for this meddling micro management of money.

Every Florida public classroom would have to display an American flag under a bill a state Senate panel unanimously approved Wednesday.

Under current law, schools, colleges and universities are required to fly the U.S. flag and the Florida flag on their grounds.

The bill (SB 612) approved by the Senate Education Committee would expand that to more than 200,000 classrooms.

Public K-12 schools would have to either buy the flags or arrange donations. But at the state's 28 community colleges and 11 state universities, the funds would come out of students' activity and service fees, which normally are left to the discretion of student governments to spend.

The bill is sponsored by Sen. Mike Fasano, R-New Port Richey.

Fasano went on to point out that this is just an interim measure, something to fill the gap until all classrooms can be fitted with telescreens and efficiently monitored by the thought police.

Posted by Norwood at February 5, 2004 05:39 AM