Archived Movable Type Content

February 05, 2004

Pants on fire Update

Due to popular clamoring, and a change in the President's schedule, Doors at 8:00PM, GWB will arrive promptly at 9:00PM. This is one hour earlier than previously scheduled! The event will last until approximately 9:30.

Pants on fire-mobile welcome rally: Local activists will tow a giant statue of President George W Bush with his pants aflame throughout the Tampa Bay area beginning Monday, February 9. The public is invited to gather for a free All-American campaign-style rally on Monday, February 9 at 8:00PM. Contact Norwood at 813-226-2550 or go to for more details.

Free American flags, kazoos, and hot dogs for everyone who arrives by 8:30!

Make history by becoming part of the biggest and bestest ever Tampa Presidential Kazoo Band as we welcome George with a stirring rendition of "Hail to the Thief"! (For your own safety, as well as the safety of those around you, we recommend waiting at least 15 minutes after consuming a hot dog before you blow into your kazoo.)

Join in the fun as we honor our President Select and show him off to the local media. Call or email or check the web for more info, or just come on by:

2904 N Tampa St, 33602

Volunteers still needed! Call 813-226-2550 or email Norwood (just hit "reply") to volunteer to help at this event!

Posted by Norwood at February 5, 2004 01:27 PM