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February 08, 2004

Pants on fire-mobile Rally information

TrueMajority Pig Mobile Pics and info

Pants on Fire Mobile pictures Here

Note: I’m going to fix this post so that it stays at the top. I’ll be adding updates periodically, so stop back often. Look for new (non-pants on fire related) blog entries under this one.

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Event Information:

What: Welcome rally for George’s Tampa tour
When: Monday, February 9. Doors at 8:00PM
Where: 2904 N Tampa St., just North of downtown Tampa.

Contact Information:
Norwood Orrick

Latest press release

The rally is now starting at 8:00PM.

George will make his grand entrance at exactly 9:00PM. If you want to see George's arrival, plan to reach the rally by 8:30PM at the latest. This will give you time to park and grab some free Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Once George arrives, we're almost done. Stick around and chat amongst yourselves, but the rally itself will end by 9:15 or so.

Free stuff!

We will give away lots of cool freebies as long as supplies last. Arrive early! Free hot dogs. Free Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Free American flags. Free kazoos! And the event itself is free!

Kazoos? Yes. Kazoos.

We have over 200 kazoos to give away, and the plan is to serenade George with a kazoo rendition of “Hail to the Thief.” Practice your humming!

Granny D.

The famous and inspirational Granny D. will be attending our rally and registering new voters! She will be a guest on The Women’s Show on WMNF 88.5FM this Saturday, February 7 at 10:00AM.

Granny D. is in the area to take over the jobs of working women just long enough to allow them to register to vote. She is a tireless activist who is best known for having walked 3200 miles across the US to demonstrate her concern for the issue of campaign finance reform.

Pants on fire-mobile

Ok, I seem to be getting just a little ahead of myself here. “George” is actually a 12 foot high statue of our dear President. The statue is mounted on a flat-bed trailer and pulled by a big, official looking American car all decked out in American flags and such.

The statue has been designed so that George’s pants appear to be on fire, a universal symbol of the serially mendacious.

The idea is to point out, in a fun and creative way, the numerous and quite serious mistruths that the Bush administration has foisted upon this country. The statue is touring the country and will be in Tampa for about a week.

The statue was conceived, designed, and paid for by TrueMajorityACTION. Founded by Ben Cohen of Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream fame, TrueMajorityACTION intends to encourage more people to get involved in progressive politics by targeting "cultural creatives" with events like, "Liar, Liar Pants On Fire." Tampa's TrueMajority members plan to fan the flames with their message: "George has lied and his record is terrible. People need to know this, and they need to feel that they are not alone when they get fired up about learning the truth."

So, the rally is designed to draw attention to the statue, the tour, and most of all, to George W. Bush’s lies. We expect the rally to be extensively covered by local media.

Valentine's Day at The Globe

The pants on fire-mobile tour will be stopping at theGlobe Coffee Lounge, 532 1st Avenue North in Downtown St. Pete. on Saturday, February 14 at about 9:00PM.

More Tampa area tour information coming soon!

More local info
National info

Posted by Norwood at February 8, 2004 10:42 AM



Posted by: Clifton Wright at February 9, 2004 03:28 PM