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February 07, 2004

Right wing Cubans force film festival move

Note: Pants on fire info just below this post. POF will be back on the top of this page on Sunday.

Well informed sources tell BlogWood that The Cuban Club has bowed to pressure form a group of conservative wingnuts and is refusing to allow the Chiapas Film Festival to go on as scheduled. The films will now be shown at the Covivant Gallery and Studio, 4906 N. Florida Ave., in Tampa. Apparently, the wing nuts are scared of the dissemination of thoughts that do not completely jibe with their extremist beliefs. Come out tonight and support independent and indigenous voices in film.

Chiapas Film Festival Gets Change Of Venue: From The Tampa Tribune

A film festival showcasing videos shot and produced by indigenous Indians from Mexico was shuffled to another location late Friday.

The ``Chiapas Media Project Film Festival: Autonomy, Globalization, Social Injustice and the Zapatista Movement'' will take place at the Covivant Gallery and Studio, 4906 N. Florida Ave., Seminole Heights.

The event originally was scheduled for Sociedad La Union Marti-Maceo in Ybor City, but the club canceled it. Efforts to reach club representatives were unsuccessful.

Alexandra Halkin, founder of the Chicago-based Chiapas Media Project, learned Friday that the event had been canceled and was forced to change the location.

Halkin founded the project in 1998 to provide video cameras and training to indigenous communities in the Mexican states Chiapas and Guerrero.

The film festival will screen four documentary-style films from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. today.

This is the first time the films produced by the project have been shown in Tampa.

Posted by Norwood at February 7, 2004 10:43 AM