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February 09, 2004

GWB Aflame hits Tampa with a bang

Update: 2/10/2004, 530ish: Pictures from Danny

Update: 2/10/2004 (somewhat later): The Tampa Tribune ran a picture in their print editions.

Update: 2/10/2004: Good pics and a short video here.


Update: Some pics posted. And, of course, I forgot to thank tons of people, especially Ronny and Joshua for helping with the sound. If I didn't mention you personally, get over it. Send me pics. I'll post them. (end of update)

Wow. That’s all I can say. Over 250 people showed up tonight to welcome the George Bush Pants on Fire-mobile to the Tampa area.

Over 200 people joined in on kazoos to welcome George with a stirring rendition of “Hail to the Thief.” (We ran out of kazoos. Sorry.)

Thanks to all the volunteers for doing all the important stuff while I made phone calls. Thanks to the neighborhood kids who distributed fliers and helped decorate. Much thanks to those of you who chipped in a few bucks for the cause. If you left early, you missed my pitch for contributions. Uh, I forgot to ask. It’s one of those things. Don’t worry. I’m glad you all came out in force and unity on a Monday night.

Thanks to and TrueMajorityACTION who conceived of, assembled, paid for, and etc. the Pants on fire-mobile. And, of course, thanks to Ben and Jerry’s for providing yummy ice cream to the entiire crowd.

Remember tonight. Tell your friends. Look out for George (local schedule to be posted soon right here on and VOTE THIS NOVEMBER.

Uh, I’m a little worn out right now. I’ll fix links, post pics, and other things on Tuesday.

Send pictures if you have them. Post within comments on, or here on Blogwood and/or email me copies. I’ve got a smattering of pictures already. I’ll post soon.

And, just in case you’re jonesing for a little snark:

Dear Local PressTV Reporters:

You really blew this one. Over 250 people waving flags, humming on kazzoos and having a grand all-American rally. Spectacular imagery. Great interview potential. A multi ethnic crowd that included both homeless people and business owners and executives. Young people. Old people. Others who fell somewhere within the vast middle. And I haven’t even mentioned the spectacular 12 foot flaming statue. TV people, you could have run this footage for days.

Why is it that you will run pretty pictures of 10 people on Bayshore with American flags, but you refuse to cover hundreds of committed, honest, average folks who are scared shitless about the direction in which our President is taking this country? Shame on you.

If you guys decide you’d like some video or stills, email me and let me know.







Thanks to T. Ho for the pics!

Posted by Norwood at February 9, 2004 11:35 PM