Archived Movable Type Content

February 10, 2004

You know what to do...

President Expected To Drop In On Bay Area: From The Tampa Tribune

The Tampa Bay area, scene of heavy campaigning by the presidential candidates in 2000, is about to start having the same experience again.

There are tentative plans for President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney to visit the area in the next two weeks, Republican Party insiders said Monday.

Bush is expected to make a stop here after attending the Daytona 500 stock car race Sunday, and Cheney will attend a fundraiser in Tampa on Feb. 20, the Republicans said.

The Bay area is known particularly as the home of large numbers of voters who aren't committed to either party or who cross party lines when they vote. In such an evenly divided state, those voters are considered crucial.

Posted by Norwood at February 10, 2004 01:27 AM