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February 10, 2004

aWol coming to Tampa! ("Not a statue this time," declares local.)

Here’s my idea: we beg. plead, and cajole to let us keep George long enough to introduce him to his namesake.

According to this article from today’s Tribune (posted earlier today on BlogWood), aWol himself will be gracing the bay area with his presence this Sunday, February 15! (Interestingly, the print edition of the Tribune included a picture of last night’s Pants on Fire-mobile rally right next to the article about Bush and Cheney’s visits.)

Let’s make some noise. I propose a Pants on Fire-mobile procession along a major Tampa area road. Dale Mabry? Bayshore Blvd.? Wherever. The thought is to create a traffic slowdown by having tons of people caravan with the Pants on Fire-mobile at an average speed of 10 miles per hour or less.

It doesn’t have to happen at the exact time that aWol is visiting, but I think it would be most effective if we could stage the traffic slowdown to meet up with whatever static protests might develop. The procession could lead to a protest sight, for example.

Day or night, this provides great visuals, with the Pants on Fire-mobile leading a long line of slow moving vehicles to protest the arrival of the liar.

Of course, we’ll have to get permission to keep George long enough to pull off this trick. He’s scheduled to leave sometime after Saturday night, February 14.

Comments? Post away!

Posted by Norwood at February 10, 2004 05:03 PM

I disagree w/your opinions about Bush. However, I would defend, w/my life, your right to say it. But if I see any of you blocking my way on the street I will physically move you out of my way. You can protest or do whatever you want, even if you don't have any concrete facts to back it up, but don't encroach on any of the rest us to make your point. I sure wouldn't do it to you.

Posted by: Brian Lancaster at February 11, 2004 09:56 AM


So, let me get this straight: you think it's OK for me to have an opinion, but if you don't agree with me you will use physical force to shut me up? That doesn’t sound like you’re defending my rights to me. You sound like most of the Bush supporters I have met this week: Thugish, bullying unimaginative, and self-delusional. See, if you take an honest look at the facts, there is no way to refute the assertion that Bush is a liar. You have no argument, so all you can do is call us names and/or threaten us with physical violence.

Please feel free to attempt to physically move me out of your way. You may or may not succeed, and then I will have you arrested. :~)

Posted by: Norwood at February 11, 2004 11:46 AM