Archived Movable Type Content

February 11, 2004

Sparks flying off the page...

From Jack Sparks' The Other Side of Country:

Dean's stock has sunken so low that Ralph Nader changed his phone number and didn't leave a forwarding address. The only true question left is who has the most damaging picture of Kerry fucking a football: Edwards or Clark? Edwards is smart enough to realize that he's sitting on a pile of 2008 gold, regardless of what happens, because anybody with any sense knows that Karl Rove is going to be standing behind George W. Bush in Kabul on or about October 15th, and the two of them will be standing next to 5 members of the 101st Airborne, all with automatic rifles pointed at a knealing Osama Bin Laden and various of his cohorts. Bush will most likely be wearing a pair of night vision goggles cocked up on his helmet like a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses. In that scenario, Edwards loses nothing by being the spunky VP candidate that whips up on ol' Skipping Ticker Dick, and stands loyally by while his boss gets buried by the most evil fucking human being (Rove) since Carville. "Edwards looks great for 2008," they'll chant in Gastonia.
Posted by Norwood at February 11, 2004 01:30 AM