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February 18, 2004

March on Florida's Capitol

Tallahassee Democrat:

Organizers of a march on the Capitol that drew some 11,000 participants four years ago hope to recapture that enthusiasm and channel it to the polls come Election Day.

A coalition that includes the Florida State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the Florida AFL-CIO, the Florida Conference of Black State Legislators and a gospel radio station in Miami has planned the March on Tallahassee 2004 for March 2, the opening day of the legislative session.

The 2000 march was in opposition to Gov. Jeb Bush's One Florida plan to eliminate affirmative action in the state. Organizers hope to build on the momentum of that march by also emphasizing Election Day 2000, when a close election coupled with faulty balloting machinery forced the presidential election into highly partisan overtime.

"We are united by a common purpose - to bring about positive change for Florida families," said Anthony Viegbesie of Tallahassee, vice president of the state NAACP. "Our efforts will begin in earnest with the March on Tallahassee 2004 and will culminate with a march to the polls in November."

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Posted by Norwood at February 18, 2004 08:03 AM