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March 04, 2004

Jeb! hates democracy doesn’t mind a little democracy now and then, as long as he doesn’t have to share with everyone else

Jeb! says that direct democracy in the form of citizen initiatives is a bad thing. But now, having been repeatedly rebuffed by the legislature, Jeb! plans to use a citizen’s initiative to advance his own cynical agenda.

The drive to repeal a voter-mandated high- speed rail system, something lawmakers are proving unwilling to tackle themselves, will get a major push today from Gov. Jeb Bush and Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher.

The two Republicans have scheduled a joint news conference this morning at the Capitol, a day after a key House panel voted down a legislative proposal that would have put the costly bullet train back on the ballot for voters to reconsider.

Bush's office wouldn't disclose the topic of the announcement, but lawmakers familiar with the governor's opposition to high-speed rail said the duo would announce their support of a citizen's initiative petition drive under way in parts of the state.

If successful, a new constitutional amendment squelching the train would trump the one requiring it as a result of the 2000 vote.

With today's expected action, the governor takes his call for repeal out of the Legislature and into the streets. Bush and legislative leaders from both parties have repeatedly called on lawmakers to act.

State senators and representatives can draw up ballot measures for statewide vote. But lawmakers have been reluctant to ask voters to rethink the issue. In addition to the bill shot down Wednesday, several similar bills died in the 2003 session.

Posted by Norwood at March 4, 2004 07:08 AM