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April 08, 2004

Falluja under siege

Looks like the Marines plan to starve the citizens of Falluja to make them pay...

blockquote>While Shia and Sunni are uniting in increasing numbers from the north to the south of the country, a human catastrophe is unraveling in the Sunni-dominated city of Fallujah. Citizens of the beseiged city have appealed through various Arab media for the United Nations to immediately intervene and allow shipments of food, water, and vitally needed medicines. A Baghdad convoy comprised of civilians hoping to deliver needed goods to Fallujah were shot at by U.S. soldiers, according to eyewitness accounts and were forced to halt their progress near Ramadi. To date, Falluja doctors have reported a death toll of 311 with some 480 wounded civilians, some as young as eight-months old.

Arab broadcast and print media showed pictures of limbless women and children in the fallout of U.S. shelling of the city. The images have created a fiery wave of anti-U.S. calling in the Middle East. Regional governments are wary of tomorrow, Friday's prayers.

Posted by Norwood at April 8, 2004 03:53 PM