Archived Movable Type Content

April 13, 2004

76 dead American servicemen this month

And one very offensive picture - from The Agonist.

Update: I added a link to the picture. I was just mentioning The Agonist to give them credit for the picture source and info. It’s the picture that’s offensive, not The Agonist, and the reason the picture is offensive is that it is another example of untermenschen amongst our occupying troops.

And from Juan Cole:

Two huge explosions shook downtown Baghdad early Tuesday morning. Although the CPA tries to suggest that these were "controlled explosions" of leftover Baath ordnance being carried out by US troops, that cover story seems awfully thin. I can't imagine they are carrying out controlled explosions at 6 in the morning in downtown Baghdad. These are guerrilla strikes, and it is embarrassing to the US that they can get so close to their HQ, so they try to muddy the waters with this 'controlled explosions' malarkey.
Posted by Norwood at April 13, 2004 06:56 AM

What is offensive about the truth? People die in war.

Posted by: Sean-Paul at April 13, 2004 04:29 PM

I added a link to the picture. I was just mentioning The Agonist to give them credit for the picture source and info. It’s the picture that’s offensive, not The Agonist, and the reason the picture is offensive is that it is another example of untermenschen amongst our occupying troops.

Posted by: Norwood at April 13, 2004 05:09 PM