Archived Movable Type Content

April 19, 2004

Feel safer?

WaPo, via Billmon:

"When the fighting is over in Fallujah, I will sell everything I have, even my home," said a resistance fighter who gave his name as Abu Taif Mashhadani. He wept as he recalled his 8-year-old daughter, who he said was killed by a U.S. sniper in Fallujah a week ago. "I will send my brothers north to kill the Kurds, and I will go to America and target the civilians. Only the civilians. Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. And the one who started it will be the one to be blamed."

Washington Post
Revolts in Iraq Deepen Crisis In Occupation
April 18, 2004

Posted by Norwood at April 19, 2004 07:56 AM