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April 28, 2004

Billionaires and Bush: bound by bucks

pResident Bush recently:

Mr. Bush spoke for 44 minutes to the editors in off-the-cuff remarks that drew on familiar phrases from his speeches of the last two and a half years. Mr. Bush, who is not fond of the press as an institution, jokingly referred to the editors and publishers on the dais as "the politburo," and then said he would be glad "to duck some questions."

Mr. Bush's substantive remarks were interrupted only once with applause, when he called for the end of the "death tax," or the estate tax.

Joe Billionaire, one of a thousand billionaires scheduled to take part in this weekend’s Tropical Feetwave Parade: The March of a Thousand Billionaires:

The biggest problem with the Estate Tax is that it only affects those of us with Estates. How unfair is that? And not just any Estate. It's got to be a really really really really big Estate. Like ours. It's got to be over $3.5 million per individual. We're not talking family farms here, we're not talking Mom and Pop small businesses here. Oh, no. The Estate Tax doesn't tax them at all. It only taxes us — the really rich.

These Estate Tax supporters think that just because we have millions and millions and millions of dollars, that we should be taxed. They think that the richest people in the state should be taxed and the money given to everybody else. For what? Schools? Libraries? Roads? Day care? Pssshaw! We don't need any of that!

Schools? Our kids go to private school! Libraries? We have our own personal libraries. Roads? Can you say Lear Jet? Day care? Hire an au paire!

We say shut down the day care centers. Fire some teachers. Cut back the library's hours. Let the bridges crumble, let the roads fill with pot-holes. And, let us keep our unearned fortunes -- every last penny.

So let me recap: If you have a really really really really big Estate, you get taxed by the Estate Tax. If you DON'T have a really really really really big Estate, you don't get taxed. Instead, you get MONEY from the Government.

This is SO NOT fair. We must repeal the Estate Tax!

Posted by Norwood at April 28, 2004 09:04 AM