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May 21, 2004

Total Information Awareness MATRIX

Via Daily Kos, an update on just what MATRIX is and why you should fear it:

Do you remember Total Information Awareness (later remarketed as Terrorist Information Awareness and always referred to as TIA)? This was a proposed database that would coordinate info on every American from a host of disparate databases, allowing the government to immediately call up personal info Americans based on a number of criteria. These criteria would potentially include things like race, religious affiliation, income, medical history, credit, past addresses and phone numbers, car make, model and color, hunting and fishing licenses, marriage and divorce records, arrest records, real estate information, photographs of neighbors and business associates, surfing habits, reading habits and more.

Congress rightly rejected that system, but it's come back as a state-level program heavily funded by Messrs Ashcroft and Ridge. Now it's called MATRIX... the Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange.

Lots more...

Posted by Norwood at May 21, 2004 08:07 AM