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June 09, 2004

Jeb! punishes students for perceived sins of universities

Florida Politics (Scroll down to “Outrageous”) has questions:

This prompts other questions. Did "Jeb!" ram Service First through the Legislature, not because he "thinks" it was good policy, but because he thinks public employees, and particularly their duly selected collective bargaining agent (AFSCME), are/is a "bastion of liberalism"? Have funding decisions for state courts been driven by "Jeb!"'s belief that the judicial system (you know, the folks that, via the separation of powers doctrine, check and balance the GOoPer controlled executive and legislative branches) is a "bastion of liberalism"? Is that "Jeb!"'s primary motivator - punishing "bastions[s] of liberalism"? Is "Jeb!" that shallow and simplistic?

I have an answer: Yes.

Posted by Norwood at June 9, 2004 07:10 AM


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