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June 21, 2004

Fundies fight for Florida

Florida Fundamentalist Christians are looking for lemmings, according to this Palm Beach Post article. They are never satisfied. On the day when this country passes laws mandating church attendance and random drug tests for all citizens, these people will be urging us to bomb Canada to stop the illicit over the border flow of verboten “R” rated DVDs.

Barbara Wilcox works hard for George Bush, Bill McCollum and God.

And if Wilcox has her way, Christian conservatives like her, voting in the largest numbers since 1994, will elect all three.

"We need to elect someone who will keep God in front of the people," said Wilcox, a retired real estate broker who is as active in politics as she in Tampa's 8,000-plus member Idlewild Baptist Church.

Gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, banning of prayer in schools and the belief that righteous judges are being kept off the courts have enraged many conservative Protestants and Catholics who see the 2004 election as their best chance for political redemption.

Correction: that should read “the belief that self-righteous judges are being kept off the courts...” Give me a break:

Wilcox, who as a member of the Hillsborough County judicial nominating committee helps pick that county's circuit judges, is worried that nation could lose touch with God if church-going people don't make their voices heard this year.

"The time has come that we as believers finally act."

Posted by Norwood at June 21, 2004 11:11 AM

To quote the immortal Sheridan Whiteside in The Man Who Came to Dinner: I may vomit.

Posted by: Mustang Bobby at June 21, 2004 04:09 PM

I'm vomitting right now. We need to feed these folks to the lions b4 they get out of hand.

Posted by: Chris at June 21, 2004 06:43 PM

How do we get normal people onto that judicial nominating commission?

I mean, we need *somebody* to cancel out this freak's vote . . .

Posted by: spencer at June 22, 2004 12:25 PM