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June 21, 2004

MacManus not a neutral observer

Via FlaBlog and Florida Politics, an article that deals with hometown political pundit Susan MacManus.

She’s often quoted in the NY Times and other national publications, and invariably identified as a professor of political science, which she is. The problem is that she is also a Bushie. By presenting herself as a disinterested impartial observer, she is seen as neutral, but she has a habit of subtly slipping GOP talking points into otherwise innocuous statements.

On Rob Lorei’s “Tampa Bay Week” this past Friday on Tampa’s PBS affiliate WEDU, other guests were identified as “Businessman, Republican” or “Editorial Writer, Democrat” (not the exact descriptions, but you get the idea), but Susan was described as “Political Science Professor”, or something close to that, and no political affiliation was given. I don’t have access to transcripts from this show, but I was listening for and picked out several instances where she was pushing the GOP point of view.

Here’s an excerpt from the New Times article:

MacManus, a 56-year-old self-described Florida cracker, has appeared in every major newspaper in America -- including 30 times in the New York Times since 1995 -- and been on every cable news network. But her home turf is the Sunshine State, where she's the undisputed queen of punditry. The St. Petersburg Times, which has quoted MacManus some 400 times, dubbed her the most quoted Floridian during the 2000 election. Her name's been in more than 1,000 stories that mention Jeb Bush.

Problem: MacManus has served as an adviser to the governor and was a member of his transition team. Jeb Bush also appointed her to the Florida Elections Commission, which she chaired until 2003. Currently, she's a member of the Governor's Council of Economic Advisors.

That's right, she's a Bushie. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's disclosed in the stories. But it almost never is. Instead, reporters routinely identify her only as USF political scientist or professor, which implies an Ivory Tower neutrality.

Some examples of the MacManus magic:

During the contentious 2000 presidential recount, she basically called for Al Gore to give up. MacManus criticized the Florida Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of a recount, for its "partisanship." In a column by political writer Buddy Nevins in the Sun-Sentinel, she said, "The more litigious this gets... the more angry people will become. People will feel their votes are being turned over to lawyers." Then she said one of the candidates should throw in the towel -- and that candidate, of course, was Gore. To borrow a Nevins' literary ploy, hmmmm.

In a 2002 Sun-Sentinel story about Jeb Bush's inaction regarding scandals at the Department of Children and Families, MacManus threw a spitball. Sure, you could see him as a poor leader, our USF pundit was paraphrased as saying, but the governor might also be regarded as "a patient man who gave his appointee plenty of time to fix DCF. Even the most patient person can run out of patience," she was quoted as saying. That's some sweet, sweet spin coming from a Bush appointee.

Her apparent love of all things Bush doesn't end with Jeb -- it permeates her comments about the president and his war. When Saddam Hussein was captured, she was quoted by Knight Ridder's chief Washington correspondent, Steven Thomma: "This is a real punctuation mark for the president... There's nothing like success to make the cost [of war] seem palatable." There's one rotating observation that didn't stand the test of time.

In the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this past August, she downplayed the effect of constant troop deaths and bombings in post-invasion Iraq on the president's popularity: "What these stories do is simply rekindle in the back of a lot of Americans' minds that the same thing could happen here and we need to be proactive about it." Nice.

She routinely takes a negative spin on Democratic candidates. When Janet Reno was seen as Jeb Bush's chief rival in 2002, MacManus spoke in article after article about how Reno's Parkinson's disease made voters uneasy, as if she were repeating a mantra from Republican headquarters.

The list could go on and on. But MacManus isn't really breaking any rules. It's the reporters who rely too much on her and pass off her sprinkles of wit and wisdom as nonpartisan commentary that are in the wrong. And that's a long list of journalists.

The king of MacManus mania is William March, senior political reporter for the Tampa Tribune, which is in USF's backyard. He's used her in 59 stories during the past nine years or so, according to a search of Nexis, a news database service. One of the professor's princes is Mark Silva, a former Miami Herald reporter who is now the Orlando Sentinel's political editor. He's floated her words of wisdom 37 times.

Locally, I hope and I think the both William March and Rob Lorei are fair and honest enough to correct the record in the future.

Posted by Norwood at June 21, 2004 07:44 PM