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June 26, 2004

Fuck the fundamentalists

Dave runs a blog which seems pretty liberal, open minded, fair, and all that. That’s why I had a link to his blog on my blog. But now I’m having second thoughts.

See, Dave is a self-proclaimed fundamentalist, and while he’s not holding me responsible for a comment left by a BlogWood reader, he does expect me to disown the comment.

The topic was fundamentalist Christians and their never-ending quest for absolute power in this country. One featured fundamentalist was lamenting what she perceived to be a shortage of “righteous judges” and politicians despite the fact that she is on the Hillsborough County Judicial Nominating Committee and thus has a very strong voice in the naming of new judges.

Anyway, Chris, the BlogWood reader, left the following comment:

I'm vomitting right now. We need to feed these folks to the lions b4 they get out of hand.

Now, Dave, what part of that comment would you have me disown? I certainly have no problem with her nausea, so we’ll skip that part, okay?

Further, lions have to eat something, and it seems to me that a herd of right wing zealots whose beliefs are such that they often lead to acts of wholesale violence in the name of Santa Claus, er, God, would make a wholesome, though possibly very bitter, meal.

Fundamentalist Christians are the fundamental enemy of our participatory democracy. As a group, they tend to seek the destruction of the very important separation between your church and our state.

Many fundamentalists believe that the end time is near. They think that God is getting ready to swoop them up to heaven just ahead of the apocalyptic fires that are flaring up to consume the rest of us, so they care not about their fellow man.

These people think that environmental laws are unnecessary, since the world will be gone soon anyway. They believe that George W Bush is doing right as long as he keeps crusading in the Mid East and elsewhere in the world.

Fundies think that gay people can be cured. They say that sexual orientation is an individual’s choice. (A choice? Hmmm, so, at some point in their lives, these fundies must sit down and think: “Well, I can’t have it both ways, even though I’m obviously attracted to both sexes. Let’s see... I can openly seek a same sex partner and be shunned by my fundie family and friends, or I can be openly straight and just lust after same-sex partners in my heart and hope for an occasional priestly sodomization...” - At least, that’s the only intellectually honest explanation I can come up with for their professed beliefs and attempts to cure the faggots who made a choice to sin.)

Speaking of fags, fundamentalists blamed fags and liberals for 9/11. Fundies shoot and maim those who disagree with their politics. They refuse to compromise on anything. “Under God” in the pledge of allegiance is nowhere near enough for them. They insist on full-fledged prayer in school and viciously attack anyone who stands in their way, even more moderate fellow Christians.

Fundamentalist Christians have closed, brainwashed minds and they seek to eliminate any and everything that they fear or just plain don’t understand. And there’s a lot that they don’t understand.

They are my enemy because they declared war against me by attacking my lifestyle, by legislating morality, by holding themselves up to be somehow better than myself, and by being so uncompromising that they refuse to concede that there may be room in this country and this world for more than one point of view.

Fuck the fundamentalists.

Posted by Norwood at June 26, 2004 12:01 AM

Ouch... that hurt.

Posted by: Dave at June 26, 2004 04:56 AM

Sorry I offended you, Norwood. Care to hear my side of this?

Posted by: Dave at June 26, 2004 06:58 AM

I see that I have already been banished from your blogroll.

I will continue linking to your blog, because I value what you have to say. Only at your request will I consider removing the link.

Posted by: Dave at June 26, 2004 07:07 AM

Hi Norwood! I am the new coordinator for Amnesty International Tampa Bay Group 240. We, as a local group are looking for interested individuals who share our search in the unconditional guaranteed for fundamental Human Rights for all globally and here at home to join us. We are now working on an International Violence Against Women campaign-which also includes our own country-and have many petitions for the releases of women unjustly incarcerated, abused and denied their basic Human Rights, along with many other Human Rights atrocities. We table many events across Florida, such as the upcoming Van’s Warped Tour, Dave Matthews, Sting and others. I have a large amount of information on what we are doing to end violence on women, including our own military’s mistreatment of female enlistments. I would love communicate these issues to all, especially those who would like to aid us with our missions. Please come to our next meeting in July. The location will be posted on our webpage- and all are invited to join our listserve at -Thanks Norwood!

Posted by: Alaine at June 26, 2004 12:06 PM

Thank you Norwood for setting the sick-christian-fucks straight. Hitler was right he just picked the wrong religion.

Posted by: Chris at June 27, 2004 08:28 AM

Is anybody but Norwood suprised? Chris invoked his hero, Hitler, in his rhetoric.

With friends like this, Norwood doesn't need enemies. Sounds like Chris has genuine admiration for the Holocaust and its architects. Besides a minor quibble, over which group of people should be sent to the gas chambers, Chris offers a hearty endorsement of genocide.

Read more here:

Posted by: Dave at June 27, 2004 05:18 PM

I knew you couldn't resist. Yes I meant it when I said we need to feed christians to the lions. Chris is a female and Jewish by the way the way.

Posted by: Chris at June 27, 2004 06:42 PM

I don't like Nazis or fundies - actually, they represent 2 sides of the same coin - movements that call for absolute allegiance and unquestioning belief. Strict loyalty to the core values of the movement is required even in the face of overwhelming evidence contradicting the validity of those values.

You kids work this out amongst yourselves, okay :~)

Oh, and Dave: I think Chris is just baiting you with this Nazi talk. You seem to have swallowed the hook.

Posted by: Norwood at June 27, 2004 10:52 PM

Yeeeeaaaah! Right on, Norwood!

The only theory of government contained in the Bible is that "earthly" governments are merely vessels for God's direct governance of humanity. Since the Constitution specifically states that in this country, the power to govern derives from the governed, the Constitution and the Bible are in conflict.

Guess which one the Fundies will choose, every single time? The fundies are dangerous and MUST be stopped.

Posted by: spencer at June 28, 2004 09:12 PM