Archived Movable Type Content

June 28, 2004

Castor, Deutsch share AFL-CIO endorsement

And Miami Mayor Alex Penelas was snubbed because his police force beat the shit out of some Union members during the FTA protests. Penelas has also been criticized for stopping the vote counting during the 2000 election - many feel that he left Al Gore hanging out to dry.

Fuck Alex Penelas.

The labor group snubbed Penelas because of what leaders described as his indifference to the alleged mistreatment of labor demonstrators during a Free Trade of the Americas meeting last November. Union members were upset that Penelas did not condemn police force used on protesters.

"We had retirees who were thrown to the ground and handcuffed. They had tear gas fired on them," said Rich Templin, a spokesman for the Florida AFL-CIO. "When the smoke cleared, (Penelas) said what a great job law enforcement had done."

Penelas campaign spokeswoman Danae Jones said that Penelas encouraged protesters to file complaints if they thought their civil rights had been violated. He also supported an investigation into what happened, she said.

Posted by Norwood at June 28, 2004 07:07 AM