Archived Movable Type Content

June 29, 2004

Get Up with MorningWood!

Get Up with MorningWood, on 70,000 Watt Community Radio WMNF 88.5 fm, Tampa, and streaming at 4 to 6 am (eastern) every Tuesday!

Studio line: 813-239- WMNF WOOD

Building Fund Marathon

WMNF is raising funds for our new building from Tuesday July 6 to Tuesday July 13. MorningWood Marathon is on the last day, so please save some pennies for me!

Today on MorningWood

Blogging on the radio: comments and insights rants on news and events.

I’m totally out of time - gotta get to the station. Here’s what I think I may do / talk about / whatever:

F911 is going strong. Encourage America’s youth to sneak into this particular “R” rated movie: offer to procure tickets and help get ‘em into the theater.

A MorningWood exclusive: an shorter, edited for radio version of this interview. (Right Click the link and “Save As” to save to your hard drive and then play. Interview stolen from Sadly, No!. Pay them a visit and steal something for yourself.) For radio play, I just cut out some of the excess due to time constraints. I’m sure I didn’t change the context or anything. Really. Actually, the interview in its full unedited length is pretty damning all by itself. But wait - it gets worse - Bush was given the questions ahead of time and still managed to completely bungle the interview. Then the White House retaliated against the Irish TV station by cancelling a scheduled interview with the First Lady.


Let's say the obvious. By making Iraq a playground for right-wing economic theorists, an employment agency for friends and family, and a source of lucrative contracts for corporate donors, the administration did terrorist recruiters a very big favor.

IRR callups back on:: (a few weeks ago, the military was denying the possibility of such a callup, though recruiters were using it to their advantage.)

The U.S. Army is planning an involuntary mobilization of thousands of reserve troops to maintain adequate force levels in Iraq and Afghanistan, defense officials said on Monday.

The move -- involving the seldom-tapped Individual Ready Reserve -- represents the latest evidence of the strain being placed on the U.S. military, particularly the Army, by operations in those two countries.

Roughly 5,600 soldiers from the ready reserve will be notified of possible deployment this year, including some soldiers who will be notified within a month, said an Army official speaking on condition of anonymity.

A senior defense official said, "These individuals are being called back to fill specific shortages for specific jobs."

The official said the last time the Individual Ready Reserve, mainly made up of soldiers who have completed their active duty obligations, was mobilized in any significant numbers was during the 1991 Gulf War.

Army officials are in the process of briefing members of Congress on the mobilization and plan a formal announcement on Wednesday.

The Army official said the mobilization "will be through the rest of the year. Some could be within a month."

"It would be an involuntary measure, an involuntary mobilization," the Army official said. "It's approximately 5,600."


Each week, I bring my planned songs in on CD. I usually end up playing most or all of them in the planned order. But sometimes things go askew. Sorry - no guarantees or refunds.

Hour 1 planned playlist

Hour 2 planned playlist

Live playlist

WMNF Community Radio

WMNF is a non-commercial community radio station that celebrates local cultural diversity and is committed to equality, peace and social and economic justice. WMNF provides broadcasts and creates other forums to serve the community by the exposure and sharing of these values.

Posted by Norwood at June 29, 2004 02:56 AM