Archived Movable Type Content

July 01, 2004

Fuck the fundamentalists

A powerful group of sick Christian fundamentalists has sent out Michael Moore's home address to their email list. Call their toll free number and ask them why: 800-232-6459. Be polite. Remember: they are paying for the call and for the employee on the other end, so call often and talk for a long time. Ask for the employee’s last name and address. Ask for their founder Dr. Dobson’s home address. Say you just want to talk to them about Michael’s film.

Ask them why they care about Michael Moore. They are purportedly an apolitical organization.

Now, why would this group pull such a stunt. They say that they are just providing information to their flock so that the lemmings can “contact” Mr. Moore. Of course, these are the same fundie types who put abortion doctors on “wanted” posters and silently cheer when they and their families are harassed and killed.

It’s time to put a stop to this intimidating and hateful behavior, so lets have some fun at these folks’ expense. Hint: they will lie through their teeth. Every word out of their mouths is probably a lie, including the words “and” and “is”.

My calls: (2 so far, and counting. Remember: these guys are super-serious, so it’s relatively easy to pull their legs and act the part of an outraged fundamentalist ally looking to help.)

Talked to Holly whose last name I think is Weiser, though after she gave it to me she had second thoughts and would not spell it. She wouldn’t give me her home address or the address of Dr. Dobson either.

First, Holly claimed that the address given out was not Michael Moore’s home address. This is a blatant lie (see the text of the email below), and has been disproved.

Then Holly said I could read the email on the web and told me to go to their web site. She was vague about the full address of the email, and eventually admitted that it is not available on the web.

She proceeded to helpfully look for a copy of the email in her own email program, and eventually claimed to have found it, but only after literally minutes of silence broken by one apologetic “Sorry. I can’t talk and read at the same time.” I admitted as to how that was probably true, seeing as how her lips was already moving to form the words as she read, so how could she be expected to carry on a conversation at the same time and all...

Finally, she “found” the email in question and read off an address on 83rd Street in NYC. I Informed her that this was indeed Michael Moore’s home address (I don’t know if this is true or not), and she seemed perplexed and immediately transferred me to someone in “the department that is handling this.” She was unable to forward me a copy of the email which she claimed to have miraculously found.

Heidi Puck in the mysterious department for handling inquiries about Michael Moores home address was much less forthcoming. She did promise to forward me the email, (surprisingly, I have yet to get it - the email must be running slow today!) after fumbling through an aborted attempt to steer me to the nonexistent web page where Holly had tried to send me earlier.

Another call yielded a firm “no comment” from Mark (no last name given) who hung up on me after I pressed him for an opinion on whether he thought that Jesus would post someone’s address online.


Note: original story from Non Prophet via Crooked Timber via Atrios.


Here’s the email.

" Filmmaker Michael Moore, writer/director of the new Bush-bashing documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11," has made quite a career out of marketing himself as a man of the people, a populist everyman who fights passionately for the little guy.

That's why we wanted to make sure "little guys" could let
Moore know exactly what they think about his new movie.

So, if you have an opinion about the film -- in which
Moore plays fast and loose with the facts to build a case
that President Bush is an idiot and the war in Iraq is all
about oil profits -- we suggest you send it to the
following address:

[MM's Address removed]

That's his home -- a condominium this man of the people,
so critical of capitalism, spent $4.5 million on seven
years ago. And please don't worry that it's wrong to use
this address; it's public record, obtained through New
York State mortgage records and Federal Election
Commission filings."


Update: on my third or fourth call (I’ve lost count already) I got a very helpful person in the “Correspondence” department who swore to me that the email in question was not kept on file anywhere and they couldn’t just send it out to me. When I suggested she simply forward me a copy from her inbox, she hemmed and hawed, finally offering to “have someone contact me” via email at some other unspecified time.

I also asked her about the home address, and she got mixed up. First, she admitted that it was his home address. Then, after I expressed some confusion, she let on that it wasn’t really his home address, but backed right off and went back to her original admission when I called her on it. I very politely asked her why her organization was blatantly lying to callers and she professed to be absolutely shocked that any employee of Focus for the Family would have the talent to attain such hypocritical heights. She actually took Holly’s name as if to follow up on the trail of misinformation. These people are pure evil. (Holly will be getting a gold cross and something extra special from Dr. Dobson tonight for maintaining the mendacity)

I highly recommend that you call them yourself. It’s really kinda fun, though it's creepy just talking to these people.


Update - I fixed the phone number. (Doh!)


Posted by Norwood at July 1, 2004 04:08 PM