Archived Movable Type Content

July 08, 2004

Be a poll worker on election day

On election days, it takes some 3,500 workers to staff the precincts of Hillsborough County. As the primary election draws closer, Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Buddy Johnson still is seeking helpers to work the polls.

Poll workers must be registered to vote or eligible to register in Hillsborough, must be able to read and write English and must attend pre-election training classes.

Positions available include clerk, the person in charge of a precinct; inspector, who registers voters; touch-screen technician, who handles technical support; and precinct deputy, the person hired ``to maintain law and order.''

Election Day pay ranges from $85 to $150.

Many poll workers return, but there still is a need for workers in Hillsborough County. For information, contact Poll Worker Services at (813) 744-5855.

Polls are open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., and workers must be in place by 6 a.m. and remain there all day. Those who are not assigned to work at their home precinct can vote early or by absentee ballot.

UPDATE: Reliable sources inform me that Spanish speakers are greatly needed. Apparently, there is a shortage of Spanish speaking poll workers for every election.

Oh, and don’t forget to whine to Buddy about his continued use of the error prone voter purge list, despite the fact that Florida’s Secretary of State now says that Buddy does not have to use it.

Posted by Norwood at July 8, 2004 12:58 PM