Archived Movable Type Content

August 04, 2004

Last word on the Pigs?

Uh, probably not. A client just pointed this Sandra Thompson column out to me. I had somehow missed it over the weekend.

Apologies for the light posting activity the last few days. My day job has been screaming for attention, but I'll be back soon with a vengeance. I think.

The party was going strong when we left. We took Columbus, and it was dark and quiet, few cars on the street. We were passing an old bungalow when shining bright pink into the night was what looked like a giant pig vehicle. "" was painted on the side of the house where it was parked. I should have realized it was Norwood, the WMNF DJ and computer guru who was doing the pigsitting for the TrueMajority's political pigs.

He has a pig log on his Web site. "I may be a little anal and I do have to say that the inside of the van was pretty much a pigsty when I got in this morning," wrote a volunteer pig driver. Another driver reported that the speaker under the pig's head had come loose and dropped off, lowering the decibels on the pig sounds.

And sure enough, Thursday afternoon Norwood had an all-pig hour of music, followed by his hour tribute to Mama Cass, who died 30 years ago that day next to half a ham sandwich.

Posted by Norwood at August 4, 2004 02:30 PM