Archived Movable Type Content

August 30, 2004

250,000 in the streets

Tons of protest photos and comments at NYC Indymedia.

Oliver Willis has pics of my favorite moment: 1,000 flag draped coffins. He also has the best pro-Bush quote, one which I was gonna include in a post of my own, but since he’s already done all the work for me...

"I left God's country," said Leon Mosley of Waterloo, Iowa, co-chairman of his state party. "They could use a bunch of people from Iowa to come here to show New Yorkers what life is all about, what being patriotic is all about, and what country is all about."

Yeah, Leon, being patriotic is shutting up and putting blinders on as you follow the rest of the lemmings of off the cliff.

Note - I'll be arriving late to the party - had to reschedule due to day job commitments, but I'll have some original insights later this week. If they let me on the plane.

Posted by Norwood at August 30, 2004 07:17 AM