Archived Movable Type Content

September 05, 2004

Waiting for the hurricane

Given the third rate infrastructure that my local power company maintains, I figure I’ll lose power at some point tomorrow.

So I’m scrambling to finish up a coupla computers I’m building for clients so I can pack them up and keep them safe and dry. (Day job)

The winds are strong and steady right now. They should increase throughout the night and tropical storm strength winds are forecast for Sunday evening. I really hope Frances speeds up a bit, though that is not in the forecast. The size and the slow movement combine to make for very bad news for most of the state.

Palm Beach and the Atlantic coast are getting hammered right now, having already dealt with 12 hours or so of very strong winds and rain.

More squalls are on the way here. I’m hoping the lights stay on for awhile. More posts as news develops and time and weather permit.

Note - As far as I can determine, TECO abandoned its plans to convert to natural gas power plants and is still burring highly polluting coal. The linked article above does not explicitly say so, but it is my recollection that TECO was able to weasel out of it’s deal with the EPA to convert to gas once Bush relaxed the federal rules. Maybe I’ll do some actual research on the subject and report back, but I still owe everyone some reports and pics from New York, so don’t hold your breath on this one.

Posted by Norwood at September 5, 2004 01:16 AM