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September 21, 2004

Get Up with MorningWood

Get Up with MorningWood, on 70,000 Watt Community Radio WMNF 88.5 fm, Tampa, and streaming at 4 to 6 am (eastern) every Tuesday!

Studio line: 813-239- WMNF WOOD

Blogging on the radio

Today on MorningWood, it’s old standards day - no central theme, but plenty of subtle and not so subtle musical and spoken word commentary on the arrogance of empire and war and the growing acceptance of fascism and intolerance in this country.

Some illustrations of intolerance include the Rethuglican kicker at the RNC. You remember: the young man who attacked a female protester as she was being subdued by security at a Young Republicans event inside the RNC.

He’s recently been outed as a Pennsylvania college student, though he continues to deny his involvement.

Other recent examples include the hair pulling bully, a crowd member who took it upon himself to violently yank and pull a dissenter out of a hall by her hair, and these seperate incidents in which protesters were physically silenced by violent Bush backers. (Note - lots of links to Orcinus - there’s also a very fresh post up right now on this same subject.)

Of course, this kind of behavior isn’t limited to Republican types. Or is it? Last week in Virginia, a man made the news when he and his young daughter were reportedly verbally abused and physically intimidated at a John Edwards rally. Phil Parlock reported that a mean Democrat wearing a Union t-shirt ripped a Bush/Cheney sign out of his 3 year old’s little hands and made her cry by tearing up said poster in front of her.

There’s even this infamous picture showing Parlock with his daughter crying on his shoulders and the union guy standing next to them with a rather evil looking grin on his face. A little bit of reaearch turns up the fact that Parlock is a serial victim, having reported attacks in each of the last 2 Presidential elections. He was also present when a bullet was fired at a GOP headquarters recently.

Very coincidental, but there’s still that damning picture. Well, it turns out that one of Parlock’s grown sons bears an uncanny resemblance to the guy who was dressed in a union shirt. Did Parlock stage this whole event in order to give Democrats a black eye? Many people say that he did, and all of the evidence points in that direction.

In the second hour, some classic Christian intolerance. Jimmy Swaggart, the money grubbing televangelist, actually threatened to kill any man who might think to look at Jimmy with lustful intentions. Jimmy feels that God will reward him for this behavior.

There is some talk that Jimmy might be a little too preoccupied with thoughts of violent anal rape, if you know what I mean.

Anyway, we’ll hear the audio from Jimmy’s show and build a set around it. A video clip, from which the audio was taken, is available here, having been blatantly ripped off from Oliver Willis’ blog.

Finally, as is my habit, I will, in all likelihood, cut in way too frequently with my own verbal rants. Tune in and listen up.


Each week, I bring my planned songs in on CD. I usually end up playing most or all of them in the planned order. But sometimes things go askew. Sorry - no guarantees or refunds.

Warning - some of this week’s songs will be played together or talked over - tune in and you’ll figure it out.

Hour 1 planned playlist

Hour 2 planned playlist

Live playlist

WMNF Community Radio

WMNF is a non-commercial community radio station that celebrates local cultural diversity and is committed to equality, peace and social and economic justice. WMNF provides broadcasts and creates other forums to serve the community by the exposure and sharing of these values.

Posted by Norwood at September 21, 2004 02:41 AM