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December 09, 2004

Troxler does some blogging

The SP TImes’ Howard Troxler takes on the arrogant attitude shared by many GOP leaders that the people of Florida really don’t know what the fuck we are doing. Today’s column is written like a blog, complete with quotes form his own newspaper, as he skewers the various proposals to repeal existing citizen initiatives and to weaken the citizen initiative process itself.

Last, but not least, there's the odious industry of hog farming.

I know, I know, the "pregnant pig" amendment is held up as the all-time poster child for frivolous petitions. But is it really all that crazy to use the Florida Constitution to keep a devastating industry out of our state? If you want to see the alternative, go visit eastern North Carolina.

You say these things should be laws, not amendments? Great, sure, fine - then give the citizens the power to petition for laws, to bypass a Legislature that listens only to the industries that give it money.

Smaller class sizes. Alternatives to paving more roads. Less pollution, clean indoor air, strong universities, healthy marine fisheries - why, the nerve of these ignorant Florida voters!

Posted by Norwood at December 9, 2004 06:19 AM