Archived Movable Type Content

December 27, 2004

Homophobic racist judged by God

I’ve scanned a few of the articles regarding Reggie White’s death. Funny, but most of them seem to leave out a few key details of his life.

Here’s a highlight from one of his speeches that illustrates what I’m getting at.

When you look at the black race, black people are very gifted in what we call worship and celebration. A lot of us like to dance, and if you go to black churches, you see people jumping up and down, because they really get into it.

White people were blessed with the gift of structure and organization. You guys do a good job of building businesses and things of that nature and you know how to tap into money pretty much better than a lot of people do around the world.

Hispanics are gifted in family structure. You can see a Hispanic person and they can put 20 or 30 people in one home. They were gifted in the family structure.

When you look at the Asians, the Asian is very gifted in creation, creativity and inventions. If you go to Japan or any Asian country, they can turn a television into a watch. They're very creative. And you look at the Indians, they have been very gifted in the spirituality.

But the Bible strictly speaks against it, and because the Bible speaks against it, we allow rampant sin including homosexuality and lying, and to me lying is just as bad as homosexuality, we've allowed this sin to run rampant in our nation, and because it has run rampant in our nation, our nation is in the condition it is today.

Sometimes when people talk about this sin they've been accused of being racist. I'm offended that homosexuals will say that homosexuals deserve rights. Any man in America deserves rights, but homosexuals are trying to compare their plight with the plight of black men or black people.

In the process of history, homosexuals have never been castrated, millions of them never died. Homosexuality is a decision. It's not a race. And when you look at it, people from all different ethnic backgrounds are living this lifestyle, but people from all different ethnic backgrounds are also liars and cheaters and malicious and backstabbers.

We're in sin, and because this nation is in sin, God will judge it if we don't get it right.

Oh, wait... he was a professional athlete. Professional athletes are different from the rest of us and should therefore be held to a much lower standard, even if they are malicious backstabbers, or wife beaters, or rapists, or...

Posted by Norwood at December 27, 2004 07:13 AM

One down, several billion to go!

Posted by: Chrissy at December 27, 2004 10:51 PM

i have a dream:
Th@: ONE day ALL people:
WiLL be judged:
By The Content of their character:
By The Nature of their LifeStyle:

" plastic-minded molded man...
talkin' up a scene...
shakin' th@ molded mind u-n-me-&-we3...
hey plastic mind: we're the onez...
who've got to live our livez...
and will be judged when it's over &:
the time becomes the time...
So. Let US3 live it...they way we want. "
J. Hendrix (paraphrazzzled)

ps1: although: lying worse than homosexuality .?.
He might just be right about th@ .?.
about it being much more rampant ...
He might just be right about th@ .?.
about it being much more damaging.?.
HaHaHa who gets divorced more than liars.?.
who iz to judge .?.
in deed...
who .?. u .?.

ps2: My brother Roark sayz th@ he saw a newish documentary by Reggie just a few several dayz ago where he 'apparently' re-canted a ?GR8? deal.

Posted by: Bud Rose at December 28, 2004 04:58 AM