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January 25, 2005

Let Terri die

Terri Schiavo may finally get to die.

The US Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by the state which sought to overturn a decision that declared “Terry’s Law” unconstitutional. With the passage of the law, Jeb! long ago accomplished his goal of pandering to the religious right, those folks who believe that some life is precious (as long as the life in question is either in the womb or in a vegetative state... other life, such as the life of an Iraqi or the life of a death row prisoner just isn’t as important), so the Governor really doesn’t care what happens to Terry now.

High Court Declines Schiavo Case

George Felos, the attorney for Michael Schiavo, said that his client was ``very pleased'' with the court's decision and that ``it effectively ends Gov. Bush's interference in this case.''

Yet Felos was hesitant to predict whether the continued legal motions would mean Schiavo is kept alive for weeks, months or longer.

``Up to now we've had this pattern where the Schindlers file a frivolous motion, the trial judge denies it, but he permits them a stay or a postponement while they appeal it,'' Felos said. ``The parents' appeal is denied, and then they file a new motion. We're kind of at the beginning of the merry-go- round again.''

Among the pending motions is one asking the 2nd District Court of Appeal to reconsider and grant a new trial based on statements last year by Pope John Paul II declaring euthanasia a sin. The Schindlers contend their daughter, who was raised Catholic, would never violate a papal decree.

Posted by Norwood at January 25, 2005 04:14 AM