Archived Movable Type Content

February 01, 2005

Funding religion with vouchers

With luck, Florida's Supreme Court will soon put a stop to Jeb!'s religious welfare.


The problem is that in the end, this still comes down to the state taxing its citizens so that it can pay parents to have their kids taught about Jesus, Allah, the Torah, Buddha or the principles of any church that sets up shop. Those may be outstanding subjects for the attention of young people, but the government does not have the slightest business paying for it.

I say this as someone who believes the voucher programs have helped a lot of people. The law's provision allowing parents to opt out of religious instruction, when it is clear that most of them want to opt in on the taxpayers' dime, does not save it. Lacking a tougher requirement for separation, our law permitting tax dollars to be spent on religious instruction is unconstitutional.

Posted by Norwood at February 1, 2005 05:14 AM