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February 03, 2005

An open letter to Ronda Storms

Dear Commissioner Storms:

It was with a glad heart that I read of your proposal to sterilize criminal types to prevent them from spawning like-minded offspring, for although some atheistic Francophiles might cry foul, citing liberal judges and whining about constitutionalities, you obviously enjoy the superior genetic makeup of a true leader.

So it is with some trepidation and with only the greatest of respect that I take pen to paper to not only praise your efforts to reign in the criminal classes but also to humbly offer a course of action that must have somehow been overlooked by you and your hard working staff.

I’m informed by this morning’s fish wrappers that our county’s indigent care program is bleeding red ink and that draconian measures are being implemented to save money on the care and feeding off the ill-bred.

I think you may be starting to smell what I’m stepping in here - an obvious leap of logic that municipalities across the land will eagerly line up to emulate: why not combine the two programs into one!

Sure, there will be some up front costs, as we ramp up production, but the long term benefits derived from the forced sterilization of

The socially inadequate (including)- (i) the mentally diseased, e.g. maniacs and schizophrenics (ii) the dependant members of society, e.g. the deaf, deformed and blind (iii) the delinquents, such as the wayward and criminals; (iv) the mentally deficient, e.g. the morons and idiots (v) the degenerates, e.g. sadists and drug habitués (and) (vi) the infectious, such as those with tuberculosis, the syphilitics and lepers

will result in massive long term savings for the citizens of our great county.

Scientists and liberal academics will back this plan.

Albert Ochsner, future Professor of Surgery at the University of Illinois, published Surgical Treatment of Habitual Criminals48. As he bluntly put it: "If it were possible to eliminate all habitual criminals from having children, there would soon be a very marked decrease in this class". He stated: "so far as female criminals are concerned, nature usually protects the community because a large proportion acquire a specific endometritis resulting in occlusion of the Fallopian tubes early in their career, hence their sterility is assured. In order to accomplish this in males, a method must be involved which will in itself not be a punishment to the criminal, or interfere with his enjoyment of life should he reform and become a useful member of society". He listed the advantages of dealing with habitual criminals by vasectomy as follows:- (i) it would dispense with hereditary criminals from the father's side (ii) aside from being sterile, the criminal would remain his normal self (iii) it would protect the community at large without harming the criminal (iv) the same treatment could reasonably be suggested for chronic inebriates, imbeciles, perverts and paupers

Brave eugenicists such as yourself have suffered many years of unwarranted abuse and ridicule, and I, for one, applaud your moral strength and clarity and I urge you to consider expanding upon your excellent original proposal.

Thank You for having the balls to say what needs to be said.

Posted by Norwood at February 3, 2005 05:27 AM

Re: Scientists and liberal academics will back this plan.

I somewhat agree, along with a financial (castration) remuneration- enough to keep from impoverishment so that they can concentrate on rehabilitation.

Bush like his grandfather has Nazi blood... (you tell me?)

Posted by: Peter Leon at February 3, 2005 07:38 AM

I actually think politicans are the biggest criminals of the day so how about them. Actually I think that part of their problem may be not enough sex.

Posted by: Sue Green at February 3, 2005 04:15 PM

Flush Limbaugh is a drug habitué. Let's start with him. Then move on to the rest of the republicans. Finally, a sensible solution to rid the world of fascists.

Posted by: Chrissy at February 3, 2005 06:34 PM