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February 11, 2005

Shades of WMNF at "Christian" WTBN

This morning’s Tampa Tribune informs us that

A Christian radio station canceled its advertising contract with a Muslim organization this week on the grounds that the content ``did not serve our Christian constituency.''

The 30-second spot promoted a Saturday event at the University of South Florida - a Christian-Muslim dialogue.

``This is exactly why we need to be doing programs like this,'' said Ahmed Bedier, director of the Central Florida office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. ``There's a lot of misinformation about Islam, and relations are strained. Not only here, but all around the world.''

Christopher Gould Sr., general manager at WTBN, 910 AM, said Thursday that it was unfortunate a contract had been signed, but the company reserves the right to reject advertising after it reviews the content.

The station will refund the Islamic council's $300, he said.

``We run advertising that is aimed at our audience,'' Gould said. ``This isn't the first time we've had to reject something. It could be another religion trying to promote people to its faith, or for an alcoholic beverage or a gentleman's club. We have to draw the line as to what is acceptable.''

The contract had been signed by a sales manager when the promotions department reviewed the ad. Gould said he checked out the council's Web site and concluded the group is ``clearly interested in recruiting people'' to Islam.

``The language was very gentle, and it's under the guise of tolerance and discussion,'' he said. ``But the fact is, they want to grow their organization.''

That is not the group's intent, Bedier said.

Its mission is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding, its Web site says. The organization has 31 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada.

``We don't aspire to go out and convert,'' Bedier said.

The radio spot invites the public to attend a Muslim- Christian interfaith event titled ``Jesus: Biblical and Quranic Perspectives.'' It is sponsored by CAIR-Florida and the Muslim Student Association at USF, and includes Christian and Islamic scholars.

A narrator opens the spot with: ``Our world today is torn apart by mistrust and misunderstanding. We have a choice: live in ignorance of each other or work to create harmony and tolerance.'' Listeners are then invited to a ``historic dialogue'' between Christians and Muslims who will share their perspectives on Jesus.

Hmmm... a radio station that is run by closed minded hypocrites who fear the dissemination of ideas which may challenge their narrow notions of reality while possibly upsetting their core group of true believers. This is to be expected of evangelical Christians. What struck me was the parallel thinking of a commercial Christian station and the management at WMNF community radio.

Let’s re-write the article a bit:

A Christian community radio station canceled its advertising contract with a Muslim organization a show hosted by a minority activist this week on the grounds that the content ``did not serve our Christian constituency.''

Christopher Gould Sr. Vicki Santa, general manager at WTBN, 910 AM WMNF, said Thursday that it was unfortunate a contract had been signed the show had just been renewed, but the company station reserves the right to reject advertising after it reviews the content.

``We run advertising fundraising that is aimed at our audience,'' Gould Santa said. ``This isn't the first time we've had to reject something. It could be another religion marginalized group trying to promote people to its faith, or for an alcoholic beverage or a gentleman's club air controversial ideas. We have to draw the line as to what is acceptable.''

Now, you may or may not agree with the content or the style of "Straight Talk", and some people are aghast at the tactics that Connie Burton and her supporters are using to draw attention to their situation, but the bottom line is that WMNF management is a lily white group of hypocritical punks who are not acting in the spirit of community radio.

But I digress. Today’s outrage should be directed at the predictably paranoid actions of the evangelicals.

CAIR’s web site speaks of understanding and compassion, civil liberties and justice. With the conference that they are sponsoring and attempting to promote, they are specifically reaching out to assholes like the group which runs WTBN. Their goal is to foster a greater understanding of the Islamic culture in order to avoid exactly the kind of misguided thinking that led to the cancellation of their ads.

The bottom line is essentially the same: WTBN is run by a bunch of hypocritical punks who are not acting in the spirit of Christ.

Posted by Norwood at February 11, 2005 05:19 AM