Archived Movable Type Content

March 09, 2005

Schiavo meddling mounts

The so-called right to lifers seem to think that a person whose brain has liquified can be cured through therapy. Actually, they don’t really believe that, but they’ll use any argument to artificially extend the bedridden existence of Terri Schiavo as long as it generates publicity and money for their cause.

Florida’s freshman Senator, Mel Martinez, has decided to jump on the Terri gravy train. Figuring that it can’t hurt to pander to his backward base, Mel has introduced a federal version of “Terri’s Law” designed to interfere with one particular patient’s right to die.

Meanwhile, courtroom maneuvering continues, as the DCF today will try to justify inserting itself back into this fray, a move that anyone with an inkling of intellectual honesty agrees is a blatant attempt to overturn years of court rulings and Terri’s own wish to die with dignity.

Posted by Norwood at March 9, 2005 06:10 AM

Thanks for posting this. My partner was just asking me what I knew of the case, assuming I'd paid attention Summer '04. Alas, I was working 90 hr weeks and barely had a chance to listen to WMNF (love that station!). At any rate, this comes at an excellent time. Again, thanks for compiling some great information.


Posted by: Kelley at March 9, 2005 02:23 PM