Archived Movable Type Content

March 16, 2005

I get mail

I found the following in my inbox today, from a regular correspondent.

The left says to kill Terri because she hasn't learned to use a spoon without physical therapy. Watch this woman and imagine her starving to death while her parents watch helplessly.

The left seems to think it's okay to write off disabled people just because the news says so. Since when do we trust mainstream media to tell us the truth? Look at this woman -- what machines are there to unplug? None! She breathes on her own, she swallows on her own, her heart beats on its own. She interacts with her mother as best she can, but it's not vivacious and witty enough for the left, apparently.

The left seems to think that it's okay for men to beat their wives into paralysis and brain damage, win lucrative malpractice lawsuits, then starve their wives to death to conceal the crime, and the left should rally around the husbands in the name of 'keeping a promise'. If Terri was a dolphin or a harp seal, however, it would be a different story.

The left will march on Saturday to protest the death of innocent Iraqis while they advocate for killing an innocent woman right here at home.

And the left thinks Bush is hypocritical.

Uh, it’s not that she can’t use a spoon - it’s that a good portion of her brain is gone. She is in a persistent vegetative state, and no amount of therapy is gonns make her well. Removing her feeding tube (“starving” her) is a painless and humane way to end her useless life, a life that courts have repeatedly found she would not want to be living.

Speaking of courts, it is they whom I believe, not the mainstream media. And, no, Terri does not “interact.”

PVS (Permanent Vegetative State) patients often look fairly “normal.” Their eyes are open and moving about during the periods of wakefulness that alternate with periods of sleep; there may be spontaneous movements of the arms and legs, and at times these patients appear to smile, grimace, laugh, utter guttural sounds, groan and moan, and manifest other facial expressions and sounds that appear to reflect cognitive functions and emotions, especially in the eyes of the family.

The alleged abuse that the correspondent refers to has been investigated over and over and the allegations were determined to be unfounded. The abuse myth and the malpractice award myth are two of the many lies about Terri’s case that the right is throwing around.

The left will march against war because the needless killing of innocent civilians is a horrid exercise of our power. The left will support a patient’s right to die and a family member’s right to act for the patient because the state has no business butting into such a personal and important decision.

W is hypocritical for many reasons, including the fact that he talks the talk of a pro-lifer yet has no problem sending our soldiers off to die in a needless war or supporting the death penalty.

Jeb! is a hypocrite because he talks the talk of a pro-lifer yet supports the death penalty and pushes policies that will result in the untimely deaths of thousands.

Posted by Norwood at March 16, 2005 02:03 PM

Heard you on NPR. Great job!

Posted by: Larry Coates at March 17, 2005 12:25 AM

These same people believe that "marraige is sacred" yet Terri's HUSBAND can be dismissed.

Posted by: tommy at March 17, 2005 12:42 PM