Archived Movable Type Content

March 17, 2005

Life and death

Even as the US House worked late into the night to prevent a court from honoring the wishes of a woman who wants to die, state legislators were trying to force the courts to allow the state to kill other people faster and were maneuvering to gut Medicaid so they don’t have to pay to keep poor people alive. Here are your pro-life lawmakers at work:

U.S. House acts to save Schiavo

Bill would halt court's ability to reject law

Medicaid reform bill shaping up in House

Ironically, if State and Federal lawmakers are successful in their attempts to thwart her wishes, their cuts to the Medicaid program could end up killing Terri, who is now indigent and has her medical bills paid by the state.

Money is just about exhausted

(Fixed the headline - thanks.)

Posted by Norwood at March 17, 2005 06:14 AM