Archived Movable Type Content

March 21, 2005

Midnight madness

The "Pandering to the Christian Right and Relief for Tom Delay Ethics Charges" Bill passed the house, as expected, just after midnight. A couple hours later, papers were being filed in a Tampa courthouse with the expectation that a federal judge will order Terri’s tube to be reinserted.

Meanwhile, we learn that at the hospice, a lot of noise has been made by just a handful of vociferous protesters whose strident demands to “save” Terri belie their purported belief in a glorious afterlife. Why are these people so afraid of death?

Posted by Norwood at March 21, 2005 05:22 AM

"Why are these people so afraid of death?"

This fear also manifests itself in the whole "Rapture" subculture (also known as "premillenialist dispensation," or something like that). A key element of that belief system is that when Jesus comes back, he'll take all the "faithful" back to heaven with him - and they won't have to die to get there. It's basically a belief in everlasting life without having to experience death to get it.

I don't understand why they're so afraid to be with this god they claim to believe in, either. Fred Clark writes about this at Slacktivist from time to time.

Posted by: spencer at March 21, 2005 10:55 AM